电影 舞动世界 第一季
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舞动世界 第一季 第02集9.0
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  • 舞动世界 第一季

  • 片名:舞动世界 第一季
  • 状态:更新至10集完结
  • 主演:···/
  • 导演:Ryan/Sommer/
  • 年份:2017
  • 地区:美国
  • 类型:欧美综艺/
  • 时长:60分钟
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:内详
  • 更新:2022-06-21 02:20
  • 简介:NBC's new dance petition series "World of Dance" is led by a judging team of extraordinary dance superstars - Jennifer Lopez (who also serves as an executive producer), Derek Hough, NE-YO and host/mentor Jenna Dewan Tatum. The 10-episode series from Universal Television Alternative Studio and Nuyorican Productions will give dancers the platform to showcase their talents and the opportunity to receive a life-altering grand prize of $1 million. In partnership with preeminent global dance brand World of Dance, the series brings the world's elite dancers together to pete in epic battles of artistry, precision and athleticism. Solo dancers will pete against duos and crews in an unlimited range of dance, including hip-hop, popping, locking, tap, ballet, break dancing, ballroom, stomping and more. Handpicked from qualifying events around the nation and thousands of online submissions, petitors are divided into three divisions: Junior (any size act, 17 years old and under), Upper (groups of 1-4, 18 and older) and Team (groups of 5 , 18 and older). Our panel of experts scores the acts using a precise point system developed by World of Dance, using the following criteria: Performance, Technique, Choreography, Creativity and Presentation. The petition consists of five rounds: Qualifiers, Duels, The Cut, Divisional Finals and the Grand Final. In the first four rounds, dancers only pete within their division, but in the Grand Final the winner from each division will pete against each other for the grand prize. World of Dance is among the most trusted and fastest growing dance and music entertainment brands, bining a successful digital platform of more than eight million subscribers with the world's largest international urban dance petition. What began in 2008 as a single event is now a continent-spanning, tour de force of human spirit and sick dance moves. The World of Dance Tour attracts YouTube stars, industry icons and tens of thousands of fans to events in more than 25 countries, spanning the U.S., Europe, South America and Asia. The inspiring performance videos captured from these events drive 30 million monthly views online, making World of Dance the largest dance entertainment channel on YouTube. No language barriers. No animosity. Just pure, awe-inspiring movement. Jennifer Lopez, Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas and Benny Medina will executive produce for Nuyorican Productions. Also executive producing are Kris Curry, Matilda Zoltowski, David Gonzalez, Matthew Everitt and Al Hassas. The series is produced by Universal Television Alternative Studio in association with Nuyorican Productions and World of Dance. ACTS Junior 801 Squad Alaman Boys of Temecula D'Angelo and Amanda Diana Pombo Eva Igo ImmaBEAST JJ & Joey Kaeli and Brandon KynTay Mini ReQuest The Lab The Maya Boys The Mihacevich Sisters The POSSE Upper Al Taw'am DNA Femme Fatale Fik-Shun Keone & Mari Kings United Kyle Van Newkirk Les Twins Luka & Jenalyn Nick Daniels Pasión Quick Style Slavek and Juliet The Nitty Grittyz Trent Jeray Vibration Team Chapkis Dance Family FUZE Ian Eastwood and the Young Lions Jabbawockeez Kinjaz Miami All Stars NXT LVL P.L.A.Y. ProdiJIG Rhythmatic Rouge Royal Flux Stroll Groove Super Cr3w Swing Latino The Kingdom
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