动漫 变形金刚-救援学堂第一季
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  • 变形金刚-救援学堂第一季

  • 片名:变形金刚-救援学堂第一季
  • 更新:2021-12-05 01:57
  • 简介:Our series begins as these five young Autobots start their lessons at the Rescue Training Academy, under the tough-but-fair tutelage of Heatwave and Chase, with Boulder, Blades, and Grimlock occasionally pitching in to give their own insight. With Optimus serving as a “Dumbledore” like figure, and Bumblebee around for special lectures, this school is every young ‘Bot’s dream. Cody Burns, now eighteen, has even volunteered to be the new recruits’ human liaison, teaching them the often-odd wa...
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