电影 巴伐利亚打猎即景



  • 片名:巴伐利亚打猎即景
  • 状态:HD中字
  • 主演:Martin/Sperr/Angela/Winkler/汉娜·许古拉/
  • 导演:彼得·弗莱施曼/
  • 年份:1969
  • 地区:其它
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:其它
  • 更新:2024-06-05 00:21
  • 简介:ynopsis from Time Out Film Guide Between the seemingly idyllic opening and closing scenes depicting a rural community, first at church, then at the village festival, Fleischmann attacks that community's prejudices and ignorance without remorse. His very precisely observed portrait of Bavarian life begins with little more than a display of the villagers' constant ribbing, bawdy humour, continuous gossip, and more than a hint of their slow-wittedness. With the return of a young man, their idle malice and childish clowning, always on the edge of unpleasantness, receive some focus quite without foundation, the lad is victimised as a homosexual. The crippling conformity of their ingrained conservatism leads the villagers to reject anything 'different' a young widow is ostracised, more for her crippled lover and idiot son than her morals; a teacher is frozen out because she's educated; the casual destruction of the young 'homosexual' is given no more thought than the cutting up of a pig. Not Germany in the '30s but the '70s; nevertheless the political parallels are clear. An impressive film.
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首页 电影 剧情片 巴伐利亚打猎即景


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ynopsis from Time Out Film Guide Between the seemingly idyllic opening and closing scenes depicting a rural community, first at church, then at the village festival, Fleischmann attacks that community's prejudices and ignorance without remorse. His very precisely observed portrait of Bavarian life begins with little more than a display of the villagers' constant ribbing, bawdy humour, continuous gossip, and more than a hint of their slow-wittedness. With the return of a young man, their idle malice and childish clowning, always on the edge of unpleasantness, receive some focus quite without foundation, the lad is victimised as a homosexual. The crippling conformity of their ingrained conservatism leads the villagers to reject anything 'different' a young widow is ostracised, more for her crippled lover and idiot son than her morals; a teacher is frozen out because she's educated; the casual destruction of the young 'homosexual' is given no more thought than the cutting up of a pig. Not Germany in the '30s but the '70s; nevertheless the political parallels are clear. An impressive film.


  • 正片
    8.0 吉尔·勒卢什/让·杜雅尔丹/
  • 更新HD
    2.0 马修·马斯登/克里斯塔娜·洛肯/Christian/Pitre/巴拉克·哈德利/
  • 更新HD
    10.0 安迪·加西亚/金·寇兹/黛博拉·卡拉·安格/伊娃·朗格利亚/福里斯特·惠特克/凯文·杜兰/拉腊·达安斯/戴文·博斯蒂克/斯蒂文·鲍尔/阿尔·萨皮恩扎/胡里奥·奥斯卡·门乔索/Lloyd/Adams/Alfredo/Álvarez/Calderón/Josh/Bainbridge/Danielle/Baker/Sarah/Bryant/克林特·卡尔顿/Rod/Carley/Colby/Chartrand/尤金·克拉克/Jorge/Contreras/Elias/Caamaño/Perez/彼得·达莰哈/米莉/
  • 更新HD
    10.0 佐野弘樹/宮田佳典/山本奈衣瑠/ホアン?ヌ?クイン/笠島智/海沼未羽/足立智充/影山祐子/矢嶋俊作/
  • 更新HD
    1.0 费尔南达·托里斯/费尔南达·蒙特内格罗/赛尔顿·梅罗/梅芙·金琴丝/奥塔维奥·林哈里斯/安东尼奥·萨博亚/玛乔丽·伊斯恬诺/温贝托·卡劳/卡米拉·马尔蒂拉/丹·斯蒂拉奇/Valentina/Herszage/卡拉·里巴斯/Olívia/Torres/玛丽亚·马努拉/Kau?/Rodriguez/Guilherme/Silveira/加布里埃拉·卡内罗·达库尼亚/Bárbara/Luz/路易莎·科索夫斯基/Cora/Ramalho/
  • 更新HD
    4.0 王辉/张勇/单薇/孙文雪/
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    7.0 ミネオショウ/絢寧/
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    4.0 Camilo/Arancibia/Steevens/Benjamin/Silvio/Canihuante/
  • 更新HD
    3.0 伊万·麦克格雷格/克拉拉·麦克格雷格/杰克·威利/Kim/Zimmer/崔维斯·汉默/薇拉·博尔德/德温·麦克道维尔/克林特·奥本钦/Kristin/K./Berg/萨尔·泰勒/雅各布·布朗/Mat/Mahboub/Fischer/Knapp/Erica/Bitton/Helen/Trencher/Willard/Runsabove/Ilasiea/Gray/Eve/Kozikowski/Joann/Kline/J·内森·西蒙斯/
  • 更新HD
    7.0 T.J./Bhanu/Jayam/Ravi/Yogi/Babu/



